I am a Coffeeholic! Isn’t Coffee (Caffeine) bad for you?


I love coffee. Drink it everyday here in Malaysia. Whether its Nescafe or kopitiam, there’s nothing like a freshly brewed cup of coffee with extra milk (low fat), a little gula and sometimes a hint of cinnamon and cocoa. Aaaah yes…its good!

Is coffee bad for you?

Following a typical discussion I have with people about coffee:
Person A: “Kevin, you drink coffee?”
Me: “Oh yeah….am a coffeeholic. At least two cups per day.”
Person A: “Isn’t coffee bad for you”
Me: “Hmmm….Why? Whats wrong with coffee?”
Person A: “errrr….it has caffeine. Like daaaa”
Me: “Yeah but whats wrong with caffeine?”
Person A: “errr…..I dunno”

Well the point here is that more often than not, consumers (you included) rarely know why coffee is bad for you. So what is the problem or issue with caffeine. Afterall, its not only in coffee, but in teas, softdrinks etc.

Ok lets break it down. I’ll share with you about the truth of our coffee ..

The Good! Lets start with the “good” things about coffee:(caffeine)
  • It tastes awesome! Well, probably a personal opinion here.
  • Keeps your awake. Its a stimulant.
  • Used as a fat burning ingredient in most, if not all, thermo based supplements.
  • Coffee has a mild diuretic effect. means more trips to the bathroom.
  • Can increase your mental performance and ability to focus
The Bad! Now to the bad side of coffee:
  • Can cause irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  • It is a stimulant so obviously there are short term side effects such as restlessness, insomnia etc.
  • In the long term, coffee has been linked to Osteoporosis
  • Coffee is diuretic. Hence can increase dehydration.
  • Coffee is not addictive but can cause caffeine withdrawal syndrome (headaches, lethargy etc)
Coffee ?? Think twice...

Nature’s antibiotic..


Sweet honey could be your favourite BUT do you ever know about this ?

Honey could soon be substituted for antibiotics in fighting stubborn ear, nose and throat infections. Researchers from Ottawa University found in tests that ordinary honey kills bacteria that cause sinus infections, and does it better in most cases than antibiotics.

The results of the study were presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, in Chicago.

The preliminary tests were conducted in laboratory dishes, not in live patients, but included the “superbug” methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus or MRSA, which is highly resistant to antibiotics. In upcoming human trials, a “honey rinse” would be used to “flush out the goo” from sinus cavities. The researchers have so far tested manuka honey from New Zealand, and sidr honey from Yemen.

The two killed all floating bacteria in liquid, and 63 to 91 per cent of biofilms — micro-organisms that sometimes form a protective layer in sinus cavities, urinary tracts, catheters and heart valves, protecting bacteria from normal drug treatments and often leading to chronic infections.

The most effective antibiotic, rifampin, killed just 18 per cent of the biofilm samples in the tests. — Agencies

Merits of Mediterranean diet

Never find a way to lose your weight ? Here's a clue for you ~ Do enjoy !

People who eat a strict Mediterranean diet are at less risk of developing heart, cancer, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. A so-called Mediterranean diet is rich in olive oil, grains, fruits, nuts, vegetables and fish, and includes a moderate amount of red wine but is low in meat, dairy products and other alcohol.

Researchers at University of Florence, Italy collected data on 1.5 million people who participated in 12 international studies of dietary habits and health. People in these studies were followed from three to 18 years.

People who adhered strictly to a Mediterranean diet had significant improvements in health. These people saw an overall drop in mortality of nine per cent, a nine per cent drop in death from cardiovascular disease, and a 13 per cent reduction in cases of Parkinson's and Alzheimer’s and a six per cent drop in cancer.

The findings, published on the online edition of the British Medical Journal, confirm the current guidelines and recommendations from all major scientific institutions that encourage a Mediterranean-like diet for the prevention of major chronic diseases, the researchers concluded.

BPA link to heart disease, diabetes..

A common chemical used in everyday products such as plastic drink containers and baby bottles is linked to health problems, specifically heart disease and diabetes.

Previously, environmental and consumer activists who have questioned the safety of bisphenol A, or BPA, have relied on studies showing harm from exposure in laboratory animals.

The study, by researchers from University of Exeter in Britain, is the first ever study (of this kind) that has been in the general population. The researchers analysed urine and blood samples from 1,455 US adults aged between 18 and 74 who were representative of the general population.

Using government health data, they found that the 25 per cent of people with the highest levels of bisphenol A in their bodies were more than twice as likely to have heart disease and, or diabetes compared to the 25 per cent of those with the lowest levels.

The findings, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, revealed that the chemical is present in more than 90 per cent of people, suggesting there is not much that can be done to avoid the chemical of which over 2.2 million tonnes is produced each year.

However, they added it was too early to identify a mechanism through which the chemical may be doing harm. Animal studies have suggested the chemical may disrupt hormones, especially oestrogen.

BPA is used to make polycarbonate plastic, a clear shatter-resistant material in products ranging from baby and water bottles to plastic eating utensils to sports safety equipment and medical devices.

It is also used to make durable epoxy resins, for the coating in most food and beverage cans and in dental fillings. People can consume BPA when it leaches out of plastic into liquid such as baby formula, water or food inside a container.

Outdoor pools pose asthma risk ...

ATTENTION to all parents out there !

A study has found that outdoor pools can increase the risk of a child becoming asthmatic.

SWIMMING in outdoor chlorinated pools appears to increase the odds a child will develop asthma. In outdoor pools, harmful vapour remain on the surface and do not drift away. And because children tend to spend more time in pools, they are more likely to swallow chlorinated water or ingest vapour containing chemicals that attack the cellular barriers protecting the lung from allergens.

The new study, published in the European Respiratory Journal, casts doubt on the idea outdoor pools are safer than indoor ones where chlorine vapour remains trapped inside an enclosed space.

Asthma, which affects more than 300 million people worldwide, is the most common paediatric chronic illness. Symptoms include wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing and chest tightness.

Our 1st Ever Cover ...


Finally , our 1st issue of EQual+ magazine had released ~~!!!! Please give us a big clap for it ~ yoohoo! So , as you can see from this magazine cover , plenty types of healthy juicy fruit .. but there's a big smiling face inside of it ~ We hope that our readers will enjoy the time of reading our magazine and more importantly : "Healthy Life and Happy Smile ".

Slightly quick brief of the contents , for this issue we have the most interesting topics on lifestyle , weight lose , fitness , beauty and tips , and etc .

- 42 Easy Tips to Do Everything Better
Our second annual guide to breezing through life's complicated moments like the chill chica you are

- Truth or Consequences
Come clean to your doc, or you could risk more than a red face

- 50 Ways to Go Green
Easy ways to live an earth-friendly lifestyle’

- Big Summer Salads
These huge, healthy super bowls are so satisfying your stomach will think you just swallowed a steak

- Is Your Diet a Crime?
No. But trying hard to lose weight and still failing can make you feel like a victim. Let our crack team solve the mystery of your stuck scale

- Lose Control
Yes, you want everything to be perfect--but maybe it's time to let him do more of the work

- Stretching: the Truth
Follow our new rules of stretching and your ready-for-anything body will be just around the bend

Can't get yourself enough with it ? Well , please dont be hesitate to buy your own copy of the EQual+ magazine ! It's available now at any bookstores ~!

Who ... What .... Why

Who Are We...

  • Equal+ is a new local magazine based on health topic .
  • Equal + is suitable for all range of people .
  • Equal+ can be an useful and trusted health guide to everyone .
  • Equal + will focus on the fact of health , health product / health centre review , global health survey by professor .
  • Equal+ focus on interesting title and simple writing with full information to attract readers.

What Are We Doing ...

  • Let the readers know the true fact and the correct ways to stay healthy .
  • Encourage readers from all range of age to care about health fact .
  • Attract readers with relax and interesting article and title to avoid boring.
  • Convince the readers with the research result / opinion from the expert and comments from public on product review.
  • Prevent diseases spread in Malaysia by inform the public about the news of diseases and explain prevention .
  • equal + can be a potential selling magazine In Malaysia since we only have few competitors on local .

Why Are We So Unique..

- Well established brand name

- Attractive article and interesting layout.

- The quality of products we offer .

- Our Price RM5.50 – committed to competitive pricing

- Prizes given from sponsor.

- Exclusive own product/centre review.

- Through marketing, to take advantage of large Malaysian market .

- Less competitors and easy to see the final compete result.

- More people concern on health topic.