Who ... What .... Why


Who Are We...

  • Equal+ is a new local magazine based on health topic .
  • Equal + is suitable for all range of people .
  • Equal+ can be an useful and trusted health guide to everyone .
  • Equal + will focus on the fact of health , health product / health centre review , global health survey by professor .
  • Equal+ focus on interesting title and simple writing with full information to attract readers.

What Are We Doing ...

  • Let the readers know the true fact and the correct ways to stay healthy .
  • Encourage readers from all range of age to care about health fact .
  • Attract readers with relax and interesting article and title to avoid boring.
  • Convince the readers with the research result / opinion from the expert and comments from public on product review.
  • Prevent diseases spread in Malaysia by inform the public about the news of diseases and explain prevention .
  • equal + can be a potential selling magazine In Malaysia since we only have few competitors on local .

Why Are We So Unique..

- Well established brand name

- Attractive article and interesting layout.

- The quality of products we offer .

- Our Price RM5.50 – committed to competitive pricing

- Prizes given from sponsor.

- Exclusive own product/centre review.

- Through marketing, to take advantage of large Malaysian market .

- Less competitors and easy to see the final compete result.

- More people concern on health topic.